This Privacy Statement Is Voluntarily Provided By Drake Law To Inform Users About Features Of Their Website (“Site”).

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Drake Law may change any part of this Privacy Statement at any time. Changes will be effective when the changed Privacy Statement is posted on this Site. You should check the Privacy Statement frequently for changes by checking the date of “Last Updated” at the top of the document.


Our Commitment

At Drake Law, Access to legal services is an integral part of our vision. We are committed to doing things the right way. That includes providing excellent, accessible client service to everyone, including people with disabilities.

This commitment means that we do our best to provide our legal services to people with disabilities in a manner that respects their dignity and independence, while at the same time gives them the same opportunity to access our services, and allows them to benefit from the same services, in the same place and in a similar way, as all other clients.

Policies, Practices and Procedures

As part of this commitment, we have established various policies, practices, and procedures for how our legal services are provided to people with disabilities. These include the following areas:

Assistive Devices

At Drake Law we are committed to serving people with disabilities who use, or who may benefit from the use of, assistive devices – whether to access our legal services, or for other reasons because of their disability. Our staff has been trained and is familiar with various types of assistive devices that may be used by clients with disabilities while accessing our legal services.


We recognize that people with disabilities may communicate differently because of their disability. At Drake Law we are committed to communicating with clients with disabilities in ways that take the nature of their disability into account. In the time of COVID-19, transparent masks are available at our reception desk for anyone who would benefit from seeing a speaker’s face.

Service Animals

We welcome people with disabilities who use service animals. Service animals are allowed on any part of our premises that are open to the public or other third parties. Most of the time, our staff will be able to easily identify whether an animal is being used as a service animal or not. In the rare situation when it is not readily apparent, our staff may ask for a letter from a physician or nurse confirming that the service animal is required for reasons relating to disability.

Support Persons

We also welcome people with disabilities who are accompanied by support persons. Drake Law recognizes that some people with disabilities may have support people – e.g. paid professionals, volunteers, family members or friends – to help them with communication, mobility, personal care or medical needs, or with accessing our legal services. Support persons are allowed on any part of our premises that are open to the public or other third parties. At no time will a person with a disability be prevented from having access to his/her support person while on such premises.

Then it site would usually provide an “HR Manager’s” direct email to file any kind of complaint or comment. If so, I recommend using our Info@ email or setting up and HR email specifically.