Understanding Child Support

When understanding the importance of financial partnerships in relationships, family law recognizes cohabitation as a significant aspect. When a relationship ends, it is crucial to ensure that the necessary financial assistance, known as child support, is provided from one spouse to the other. This applies to both married couples and those in common law partnerships, as outlined in family law.

Dealing with the complex laws surrounding child support can be overwhelming. That's why at Drake Law, our dedicated team of family law lawyers are here to guide you through the process. We are passionate about advocating for your rights and will utilize various effective strategies such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and litigation to protect your interests. Our commitment is unwavering as we strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for you and your loved ones.

What is Child Support?

Child support involves regular payments from one spouse to the other, benefiting the child of the relationship. These payments are calculated based on federal or provincial Child Support Guidelines (CSG). The CSG provides tables outlining monthly amounts, determined by specific criteria. Typically, the monthly table amount covers day-to-day expenses such as food, clothing, and school supplies. It is based on the payor parent's gross annual income and the number of children. Exceptions to the table amount occur when the parenting schedule is "shared" or "split" between parents.

Navigating Child Support Payments

Accurately determining the payor's income plays a pivotal role in calculating the amount of child support to be paid. However, this task becomes particularly intricate in certain circumstances. For instance, when the payor is self-employed, such as a business owner, or has a variable income, like a real estate agent, the process becomes more challenging. Additionally, if the payor resides in a different jurisdiction where income is subject to varying tax regulations, the complexity intensifies.

A Child's Special & Extraordinary Expenses: Unleashing Opportunities

In the realm of child support, we encounter an extraordinary dimension: a child's special and extraordinary expenses. Section 7 of the Child Support Guidelines unveils a world where parents can collectively embrace these additional financial responsibilities.

These section 7 expenses encompass a range of enriching possibilities, such as childcare, orthodontics, medical-related expenses, and engaging extracurricular activities. They represent opportunities to provide our children with experiences that go beyond the essentials, fostering their unique potential and nurturing their growth.

Trust our Family Law Lawyers to Help You Navigate Child Support

At Drake Law, we believe that child support is more than a legal obligation; it is a means to provide a secure and nurturing environment for children during and after the dissolution of a relationship. Our team is committed to helping you navigate the complexities of child support with professionalism, empathy, and unwavering dedication. Trust us to empower you with the knowledge, guidance, and support needed to ensure a brighter future for you and your children!


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