The Importance of Creating a Strong Prenuptial Agreement

In our previous articles, we delved into the initial stages of the family law court process. As you navigate this path, it is crucial to understand the procedural aspects that guide your journey. After a case conference and potentially a motion, the next milestone on this road is the settlement conference – a pivotal pre-trial hearing. While there are instances where a settlement conference may be combined with a case conference, it is more common for them to be held separately, typically after all necessary disclosure has been provided. It is important to note that a settlement conference is an essential step in the process, as a matter cannot proceed to trial without this vital stage.

Financial Disclosure

True to its name, a settlement conference serves as a platform to foster resolution once all financial disclosure and reporting have been shared with the parties and the court. At this stage, a judge presides over the conference, armed with a comprehensive understanding of the entire picture. This unique vantage point allows the judge to provide a judicial opinion that offers each party a valuable assessment of the merits and shortcomings of their respective claims.

In the spirit of transparency, it is imperative that both parties provide complete and thorough financial disclosure by the date of the settlement conference. This pivotal hearing is designed to promote resolution, but if one party fails to fulfill their obligation of full disclosure, the conference may transform into a de facto case conference for the second time. In such instances, a judge will intervene, ordering the non-disclosing party to provide any outstanding items within a specified timeframe.

Settlement Conference Brief

As you embark on your legal journey, one essential aspect of your preparation alongside your family law lawyer is the creation of a document known as a settlement conference brief. This important brief serves multiple purposes: it is shared with the other party involved and filed with the court. Prior to the conference, the judge entrusted with your case will meticulously review each party's briefs. This thorough examination allows the judge to grasp the key issues at hand and become familiar with the alleged facts, empowering them to provide informed guidance during the upcoming hearing.

The Objective of a Settlement Conference

The settlement conference holds significant importance, serving as a crucial step towards resolution and clarity. During this pivotal stage, we focus on three primary objectives:

1. Ensuring Complete Disclosure

One of the main purposes of the settlement conference is to confirm that all necessary information has been shared transparently. Openness and honesty are key to fostering a fair and balanced process.

2. Navigating Towards Resolution

The conference provides an opportunity to explore the potential for settling the issues at hand. By engaging in constructive discussions, we work towards finding common ground and narrowing down the number of concerns. Our goal is to identify feasible solutions and facilitate meaningful compromises.

3. Seeking Expert Guidance

Ideally, the settlement conference allows us to seek the guidance and insights of a judge. Their perspective can shed light on how a motion judge or trial judge might approach and decide upon the issues. This valuable opinion empowers us to make well-informed decisions as we move forward.

The Requirements of a Settlement Conference

Settlement conference orders require consent from both parties and are not binding on substantive matters. The court can address outstanding disclosure or make related orders. Being unprepared may result in a costs order against the unprepared party. At Drake Law, we support you in preparing for the conference to protect your interests and strive for a positive outcome.

In a settlement conference, when a judge offers their opinion on how an issue would be decided at trial, it creates a situation where that specific judge is disqualified from presiding over the trial if it reaches that stage. This rule is in place to ensure fairness and impartiality. Due to the candid and collaborative nature of settlement discussions, the judge may not be able to provide unbiased adjudication in the future trial.

The Benefits of a Settlement Conference

Settlement conferences offer the valuable opportunity to receive an honest and insightful judicial opinion. To increase the chances of obtaining a comprehensive opinion, collaborate closely with your lawyer and provide all requested disclosure to the other party well in advance. Failure to disclose your economic and financial information may result in no judicial opinion and potential liability for the other party's costs.

Let our Family Law Lawyers Help You Navigate a Settlement Conference

At Drake Law, our team of family lawyers are well-versed in advocating for our clients during settlement conferences. We understand the significance of these pivotal moments and are ready to guide you through the process with expertise and care. Your journey towards resolution starts with a simple step – reach out to us today and let us empower you with the legal support you deserve. Together, we can discuss your matter in detail and provide you with valuable advice on how to proceed!


An Introduction to Wills & Estate Planning


An Introduction to Family Law